Clearing Sale
A/c Alan Poyner
“Kurrajongvale” 652 Napier Lane
Coonabarabran NSW 2357
Friday 13th May, 2022 Commencing at 10am
Gyral 21 Run Direct Drill Ausbox Small Seeds (press wheels), John Deere 3130 Tractor 3PL PTO, Grey Ferguson TE20 Tractor, Parkes 5 Tonne Grouper (Honda Motor), Connor Shea 32 disc offsets, Electric Compressor, Band Saw, Hardie Knapsack Spray, Pencil Auger, 2 x cattle grain self-feeders, 2x Round bale feeders, 100 litre 12 volt Spot Spray, Hydraulic Pipe Bender, CRF230 Honda Bike, Welder, Ruddweigh Cattle Scales, Stihl Chainsaw, Assorted power tools, Calf pullers, 4 Tonne Chaser Bin, Side Delivery Bin, Fencing gear, 42” Hustler Sport Zero Turn Mower, 3PL Super Spreader, Numerous sundry items, Antique Furniture including Cedar Tilt Table and 3 chairs, White cast iron bath tub, Quantity of Antique chairs, 3 Piece lounge suite, Recliner, 2 x Microwave Ovens.
Directions: “Kurrajongvale” 652 Napier Lane, Ulamambri (Coonabarabran)
From Coonabarabran take Edward Street/Purlewaugh Road for 14km, turn left onto Napier Lane for 6.5km - look for signs.
Canteen available by Purlewaugh CWA Group
Cash or approved cheque only. No eftpos available
Number system will apply
Contact: Rob Galton: 0458 423030 or Vendor Alan Poyner: 0424 177856